What's good?

My name is Jordan Brooks (he/him).

I’m a creator, educator, community builder, and founder of KNWSLF (pronounced “Know Self”). KNWSLF blends creative expression and inquiry with community and person-centered interventions to create developmentally engaging experiences for individuals, offices/teams, and community stakeholders.

I offer one-on-one coaching, group workshops, and consulting on identity development, equity, inclusion and social justice. I specialize in:

  • Cultural identity development
  • Intercultural community development
  • Identifying barriers to equity and inclusion
  • Developing culturally-sustaining strategies
  • Individual and group assessment with the Intercultural Development Inventory.

All offerings can be conducted in person or virtually.

I would love to engage with your community and help you grow in KNowledge, Wisdom, Self Love and Fellowship.

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    Workshops and Installations:

    • How to KNWSLF - Introductory workshop for the creative reflection process
    • Self Portrait - Explores Cultural Identity and Positionality
    • C.R.E.A.T.E. - Explores creative ways to engage in identity development work
    • Art of the Movement - Actvisim and social justice through arts engagement
    • Basic Shapes of Change- Creative process for developing and implementing DEI goals and strategies
    • Curating Inclsuive Spaces - Creative process for developing spaces and sequenced experiences that foster inclusion.
    • Master Peace: Creative exercises and habits for emotional and spiritual healing

    Installations enhance the workshop experience. By creating environments for particiapnts to interact with, multiple ways of learning and knowing are engaged simulutaneously and can bring a renewed energy to the group and space.

    Guided Paint Sessions

    In these sessions, I facilitate conversation around a given topic and while guiding participants through the creative exercise. The painting serves as an icebreaker, a visual representation of our conversation, and potentially a signifer of the connection created during the experience between participants.

    Previously worked with

    Allegheny College

    Ames Elementary School

    Ericson Public Library

    Grinnell College

    Indiana State African American Culutral Center

    Lesson Check-in

    Octagon Center for the Arts

    Slippery Rock University

    State Historical Society of Iowa

    Stockton University

    University of California Berkeley Residence Hall Association

    University of Kansas Academic Retention and Engagement Center

    University of Pittsburgh at Titusville & Titusville School District

    Wildfire Contact


    "Jordan Brooks is amazing. We invited Mr. Brooks twice to Indiana State University for painting and engaging dialogue around Black identity and expression. During the pandemic, we had to host our Black History Month events virtually, but being on a virtual platform, didn't stop Jordan. Our students were so engaged with the music and painting skills. Our students enjoyed his ability to teach them how to paint, but express within their paintings Black Joy. Jordan was able to connect with our students so well, we invited him back to lead a Painting event with our Black Faculty and Staff Caucus. We loved Jordan, he made the program feel like home. " - Dr. Tiffany Reed, Indiana State University (Guided Paint Sessions)

    Graphic thank you from Lesson Check In on behalf of participants and staff! (Self Portrait Workshop)

    "We all loved the interactive aspect of your style with the storyboard; great way for us to visualize and think about things differently! The overall discussion had a nice progression for those who are new to and those more familiar with DEI discussion topics. You provided conceptual and good big questions for us all to think about and got a lot of us talking more after the workshop." - State Historical Society of Iowa (Better Allyship Workshop)